In this post, I'll show you how you can convert
Javascript async functions to use
Clojurescript's core.async
. The way
Clojure handles parallelism is by
(Communicating Sequantial Processes). In a nutshell, it uses
that you can feed data into and extract data out
of. Another popular technique for parallelism is the
Actor model
, popularized by Erlang, which provides special
types called Actors
that essentially have mailboxes that
they can read from and can send mail to other Actors. Actors can be
loosely thought of as an extra implementation on top of CSP. One of the
reasons Clojure chose CSP is that
it's more loosely coupled -- channels are first-class and can be
passed around freely without knowing it's origin. With Actors, you
need to know who you are sending the message to.
The traditional JavaScript techniques for doing async is to provide non-blocking functions that call a callback function when it's complete. This is also loosely coupled and follows the Hollywood Principle, but it has had a bad reputation for creating heavily nested chains of callbacks known as the "Pyramid of Doom" or "Callback Hell".
Eventually Promises
were developed. This solved the heavy
nesting that can result from the plain callback approach, but it still
requires chaining Promises together and returning a new Promise for each
resolved one. An even more recent development is the use of
, or FRP, which by it's very nature is
functionally pure and also handles event streams in a higher-level way.
The problem with this approach is that combining Observables is a little
awkward, and it introduces additional complexity with the concept of Hot
and Cold Observables.
My favorite approach though is the use of Futures
, which
has been inspired and adopted by the recent developments in the
functional JavaScript community (Ramda, Sanctuary,
Fantasy Land,
etc). The Future is like a Promise except that it's lazy and only
evaluated when fork
is called. Future libraries that
implement Fantasy Land will implement the
specification (Promises are monads also), and so you
can chain Futures together using Kliesli composition
) or with
do notation.
In this post I'll actually use another popular JavaScript approach,
which is to use the
async library, and
I'll translate async.serial
into the ClojureScript
equivalent. The
function takes a list of async functions and
executes them in parallel -- so once the first function is done, it
calls the second until that's done, which calls the third, and so
on. The async.parallel
function executes all callbacks at
the same time or "in parallel" (though we'll ignore the
fact that in the JS world everything is
serial under the hood because of the event loop), and then returns the
result in the order that it was originally given. So with
, for example, if the first callback finishes
later than the second, it will still be the first element in the array
when it gets returned (preserves ordering).
I'll create a new ClojureScript project first:
$ lein new figwheel async-to-async
$ cd async-to-async/
And I'll include the
(version "0.5.5") library as a dependency in
, and start up figwheel:
$ lein figwheel
In this section I'll show you how you can translate callback-style
JS functions into
style functions. I'll wrap the
function so that it returns a channel rather
than providing a callback. Here is how my core.cljs
looks like:
(ns async-to-async.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! put! chan]]
(defn GET [url]
(let [out (chan)
handler #(put! out %1)]
(ajax.core/GET url {:handler handler :error-handler handler})
(defn on-js-reload [] )
I've just included the core.async
utilities I'll
use and the ajax.core
library and the simple GET wrapper
function. All it does is it creates and returns a channel which gets fed
the result from the ajax.core/GET
request for the given url
once the handler callback returns.
(ns async-to-async.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! put! chan]]
(defn GET [url]
(let [out (chan)
handler #(put! out %1)]
(ajax.core/GET url {:handler handler :error-handler handler})
;; Fixed number of requests
(let [users [(<! (GET ""))
(<! (GET ""))]]
(println users)))
;; Variable number of requests
(let [users (<! (go
(let [usrs (atom [])]
(dotimes [n 3]
(swap! usrs conj (<! (GET (str "" (inc n))))))
(println users)))
(defn on-js-reload [])
The key to imitating async.serial
is to use the
function. The core.async docs state that
will park if nothing is available in that channel,
which by extension means that it will wait for the first request to
finish and that channel to close before going to the second one, and so
on. You can confirm this by opening the Dev Tools Network panel, and
you'll see that the second request doesn't start until the first
one finishes.
Unfortunately, there are serious deficits to core.asyc
, the
biggest pain point being that go
stops evaluating at
function boundaries. As a result, you can't really use
with map
, so you have to simulate
map-like behavior. In this case I'm using an atom with
, which doesn't allocate closures internally.
(ns async-to-async.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! put! chan]]
(defn GET [url]
(let [out (chan)
handler #(put! out %1)]
(ajax.core/GET url {:handler handler :error-handler handler})
;; Fixed number of requests
(let [channels [(GET "")
(GET "")]]
(println (<! (async/map (comp vec list) channels)))))
;; Variable number of requests
(let [channels (mapv #(GET (str "" (inc %))) (range 3))]
(println (<! (async/map (comp vec list) channels)))))
(defn on-js-reload [])
The key to simulating async.parallel
is to use
on a collection of channels. The function
allows you to effectively convert the collection of channels into
another object but returning only a single channel, in this case a
vector. Then you can use <!
to take the final result.
Note that because it doesn't need to park for each request, it
doesn't have to work around the limitations of the
macro like the equivalent serial version did, so
it's implementation is simpler.